Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day TWO: Lead... Life... Love

My first assignment in my Leadership class is to declare a leadership role that I will focus on during the entire semester. I have chosen to use Relief Society President as my leadership role (pretty leadership intensive if you ask me). LEAD: My calling as RS Pres. has taught me how to become a more effective leader and how to influence people to become the best they can become. I hope that through this I will become a better Leader by gaining the trust of the sisters in my ward and becoming closer to them. LIFE: I hope to make this calling (and leadership role) a part of my everyday life. Truly effective leaders are people who are constantly thinking about those they serve. LOVE: I want to love those I serve. Service does not sound like leading but I think that leaders can learn better qualities by serving others. Leaders don't always have to "lead" sometimes taking a step back and letting others take charge can result in a better outcome. 

Quote of the day: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King Jr.


  1. You couldn't have chosen three better words to describe your goals. Lead, life, love. Also, I think service is the most effective kind of leadership. What better way to learn to love people and gain their trust than by serving them? Thinking about the ultimate leader, Jesus Christ, everything He did was to serve others. And when you serve people, they know you care so they trust your advice and give you more influence in their lives. I see a lot of these qualities in you already--I walked into your room this morning to find you already up and doing stuff for RS. =) Rock on, Nat!

  2. Ditto to everything Hannah said. :) Great job, Natalie! I'm psyched to have you in the class and get to hear your perspective on leadership!
